Monday, September 24, 2012


Thank you for the trampoline, Miss Angela!


(This video brings tears to my eyes as I think of how hard Callie has worked to simply walk a few steps over to the trampoline, develop the strength & coordination to then pick up her knee, transfer her weight, and pull herself up onto it, and then balance & use her arms to pull to a stand.  Finally, she is just beginning to bend her knees well enough to start learning how to jump.  It seems like just yesterday when she could not even sit independently.  Callie has come so far and we are so incredibly proud of her!)


Angela said...

I love it!! It brought tears to my eyes too. So sweet to see her doing so well.

Lori Miraldi on September 24, 2012 at 7:45 PM said...

Such a big, strong girl! Yay Callie!

Amanda on November 8, 2012 at 1:25 PM said...

I just love this! So proud of her:)! XOXO!


Caring for Callie Copyright © 2011 Flower Garden is Designed by Ipietoon for Tadpole's Notez Flower Image by Dapino