I am excited to start this blog about our special baby girl Callie! At 14 months old, she should be considered a toddler, but Callie is a still a baby in many ways. She is tiny (weighing in at just under 16 pounds... less than 1% on the growth chart) and has the motor skills of about a 6 or 7 month old. She can roll over and use her hands, but is still working on sitting independently. She is just getting the hang of eating solid foods and does not have any speech sounds yet ("mama", "dada", etc.). These delays are due to a very rare brain disorder called polymicrogyria (PMG). We did not know about her condition until she was 5 1/2 months old when she started experiencing infantile spasms, a type of seizure. The diagnosis was devastating to say the least, but we have adjusted to our new normal and are optimistically moving forward. We are so blessed to have Callie and we love her so much!
I am starting this blog to keep our friends and family updated on Callie's growth and progress. Hopefully it might also help someone else who has a child with a similar diagnosis.
So here goes nothing...
An AAC WWYD, for the professionals
7 years ago
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